50% is no longer the maximum bonus!

We advise you to:

  • Be a careful and responsible driver
  • Check your bonus grading system – when buying your insurance policy you get a new bonus grade based on the number of claim-free years and we raise the limit of the possible maximum bonus on your insurance policy
  • 10 new bonus grades enable the possibility of raising your bonus over 50%
  • By being a careful and responsive driver you can get the new maximum bonus of 74% in the future
  • Protect your bonus by arranging an additional protection on your MTPL policy

If you are a careful and responsible driver, ask for an offer at Euroherc insurance

We advise your safety!

We advise you to:

  • Check your new BONUS at Euroherc, and when buying insurance get our NEW quality products that protect you as a driver and all other passengers in your vehicle.
  • pri obavljanju redovitog zanimanja i izvan obavljanja redovitog zanimanja (0-24h).
  • Buy quality insurance:
    • BONUS PROTECTION – protect your acquired bonus
    • AOexclusive – insurance covering personal damage to the driver
    • ANexclusive – expanded coverage for vehicle accidents

By choosing an Euroherc policy, you choose safety and quality insurance protection.

We value your loyalty!

We advise you to:

  • Stay loyal to EUROHERC, because we reward our loyal clients.
  • Arrange a long-term policy and get an extra discount.
  • Get an additional protection for you as a driver, your passangers and your no claims discount by choosing an extra cover on your MTPL policy.

Stay loyal to Euroherc!


Because we are in our vehicles every day – it is important to have good quality insurance protection.


Do you have quality coverage for the driver and passengers in your vehicle?

Saša Stojanović
Insurance advisor

“Unpredictable driving situations happen every day and can happen to everyone. In such cases, disability or in the worst case death due to a car accident leave the greatest consequences. Therefore, it is important to have quality and adequate insurance for yourself and the passengers in your car.”


  • Possibility of choosing high insured amounts – this is your guarantee of quality insurance coverage in case of death and permanent disability for the driver and all passengers in your vehicle.
  • Daily fee for hospital days in the amount of EUR 26.54 or HRK 200 for each day of hospital treatment (up to 180 days) – unique coverage in the market


“I drove off the road and into a ditch while driving to the seaside with my family. Instead of being in an apartment on the coast, my wife spent her vacation in the hospital. Fortunately, she was entitled to compensation of EUR 26.54 or HRK 200 for each day of her hospital stay so my carelessness did not endanger the family budget.”

Martin, 36


Have you insured your four-wheeled friend?

Have you insured its driver?

Dubravko Kovačić
Insurance advisor

“When you arranged a compulsory insurance policy (car insurance), you ensured that in case a traffic accident occurs and it’s your fault, we pay for damages suffered by third parties instead of you. What happens with the injuries of the driver who caused the accident?”

AOexclusive policy compensates your personal damage and protects you as a driver, in case you were involved in a traffic accident while operating and insured vehicle which was your fault or caused by a force majeure, with the coverage of up to EUR 66,361.40 or HRK 500,000.


  • Compensation for permanent disability
  • Compensation for unusually severe pains
  • Compensation for disturbances
  • Compensation for assistance and care provided
  • Costs of treatment and rehabilitation
  • Compensation for loss of earnings during temporary inability to work


“I was talking on my cell phone and crashed into the vehicle in front of me. Of course it was exclusively fault. Good thing I listened to Dubravko and arranged the AOexclusive covering my costs of treatment and rehabilitation. “

Ivana, 32


Ana Ilić

Insurance advisor

“There are many good and conscientious drivers on the road, but accidents do happen! Sometimes with our small mistake we contribute to the occurrence or the amount of damage. The year is long, and we are in the car every day. That’s why we need quality insurance for situations we find ourselves in every day.”

We compensate your personal damage thus protecting you as a driver, if while operating and insured vehicle you are involved in an accident which was not the sole fault of the other participant in the accident, but you:

  • are partially at fault
  • and/or have contributed to the occurrence of damage
  • or have contributed to the damage being higher than it would otherwise be in the overall level of guilt (contribution or shared responsibility) from 1% to 50%.


  • Compensation for permanent disability
  • Compensation for unusually severe pains
  • Compensation for disturbances
  • Compensation for assistance and care provided
  • Costs of treatment and rehabilitation
  • Compensation for loss of earnings during temporary inability to work


  • When you were driving at a speed greater than allowed in a car accident
  • When you were involved in a car accident under the influence of alcohol (up to 1 ‰)
  • When you suffered a bodily injury in a car accident, and you were not wearing a seatbelt
  • When the accident occurred at an intersection, and it is not possible to determine which of the participants had a green traffic light


“I had an accident at an intersection and was convinced, as well as the other driver, that my light was green. I had serious bodily injuries and disability, but unfortunately shared responsibility in the accident 50/50. At least for my injuries I am covered by the AO PLUS I arranged on my car insurance.”

Tomislav, 35


A combination of coverage for safer and carefree driving.

Ante Levačić
Insurance advisor

“Unpredictable traffic situations, a punctured tire, a defect or an accident. Who to call then? Arrange ZONA and we will provide you with fast and reliable roadside assistance just when you need it most.”

ZONA is a combination of coverage providing you and the passengers in your vehicle with:

  • Accident insurance with high insured amounts of your choice
  • Fast and professional roadside assistance 24 hours a day / 365 days a year


Entering the safety ZONA we offer you the following services:

  • Roadside assistance several times during the year up to EUR 199.08 or HRK 1,500
  • Transportation of vehicle several times during the year up to EUR 398.17 or HRK 3,000
  • Vehicle safekeeping up to 7 days
  • Vehicle delivery after repair / transport up to EUR 53.09 or HRK 400
  • A replacement vehicle during repairs – the possibility of using a rent-a-car once during the year, up to 7 days (max. EUR 53.09 or HRK 400 / day)


“I was in an accident and I could not start my car. Thanks to the ZONA, my car was transported to the mechanic, and I immediately got a replacement vehicle so I could continue my trip. Everything was organized instantly.”

Maja, 28


The unique EXCLUSIVE combination of coverage for safe and carefree driving.

“Accidents don’t only happen to others. They can happen to you. Arrange a quality insurance protection and avoid possible financial expenses.”


  • Fast and professional roadside assistance 24 hours a day / 365 days a year.
  • Accident insurance with high insurance sums of your choice for you as a driver and other passengers in your vehicle.
  • EXCLUSIVE coverage – daily fee for hospital days in the amount of EUR 26.54 or HRK 200 for each day of hospital treatment, if it lasts longer than three days.

Entering the safety ZONE we offer you the following services:

  • Roadside assistance several times during the year up to EUR 199.08 or HRK 1,500
  • Transportation of vehicle several times during the year up to EUR 398.17 or HRK 3,000
  • Vehicle safekeeping up to 7 days
  • Vehicle delivery after repair / transport up to EUR 53.09 or HRK 400
  • A replacement vehicle during repairs – the possibility of using a rent-a-car once during the year, up to 7 days (max. EUR 53.09 or HRK 400 / day)


“It happened to me after a lot of kilometres. I went off the road and ended up in hospital. Fortunately, everything ended well. The team came to get the car, and my ten days in the hospital were easier knowing that I’m entitled to a daily fee.”

Davor, 51


Great bonus – great pride!

Once you have it, protect it!

Tihana Svalina
Preuzimatelj rizika

“With good and conscientious driving, you can achieve the maximum bonus of up to 74% in the future. We advise you to protect your bonus just in case and protect yourselves from unforeseen financial expenses.”


  • By arranging bonus protection in case of a single reported claim under the compulsory automobile liability insurance, regardless of the type and the amount of the damage, you do not lose your acquired bonus.
  • Every year, your bonus protection insurance premium is reduced in accordance with your acquired bonus grade, i.e. it is more favourable every year, provided you have not reported damage.


“I’m a responsible driver, but driving tired and one moment of carelessness were enough to damage someone else’s vehicle. The only good thing about it is that I contracted BONUS PROTECTION and protected my 58% bonus, which I acquired for years, so my next year’s insurance policy will not be more expensive.”

Igor, 31